Eventually some one is going to have to say with in the team that they can't keep doing this.

New to Shacknews? I should emphasize that back before the 360 and PS3 were spec-locked, we already had games on PC that were using over 1 GB of system memory. Fallout: New Vegas is a post-apocalyptic action role-playing video game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks.It was announced in April 2009 and released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on October 19, 2010. It has many of the same distant LoD artifacts found in Oblivion ffs. You've got a 256kb limit on each SPU that means you need to be able to split your data up into nice chunks. New Vegas was was buggy as hell on release and was never really fixed. You'll be restarting your console every 30 mins to 2 hours on average. "It's the same total amount of memory, but not as flexible for a developer to make use of.". Not any specific area but multiple areas. You've got the 256mb/256mb split which you can get around, if you keep data transfers under a minimum threshold. But lets pray for a Fallout 4 Blame upper management (well. The only real issue I had with it was the same VATS slowdown issue I had in FO3 that developed after the second or third patch came out. As far as I know, there's no solution besides enduring countless system restarts. Dude, the PS3 hardware is an absolute bitch to work with if you don't have an engine designed with it in mind from the very start. Things like "most currently movable objects in the world are no longer movable". You can save any time, but it doesn't have a quicksave/load like PC games do. Now add the following lines to that INI file. It would happen every few hours during the main game and some DLC's *COUGH* BROKEN STEEL AND HONEST HEARSTS *COUGH* would literally freeze sometimes as soon as anyone fired a gun. In McCarran's situation, I just saved after going through the gate and reloading. Especially when other developers under similar conditions are doing a far better job.