This makes Family Connects an excellent gateway to more intensive family support services. In some cases, Family Connects recommends eligible families enroll in long-term programs, such as The Parent Child Center of Tulsa’s Positive Parenting programs. They are well connected to the Tulsa community and can connect families to services that match their needs and interests. Our Family Connects Registered Nurses are trained to answer all kinds of questions. Having a new baby affects many areas of a family’s life. Our goals are to promote child and parent well-being in the areas of infant/maternal health, and parenting readiness. Tulsa Family Connects is a FREE program for residents of Tulsa County that provides in-home nurse visits to new parents of babies born at Hillcrest Medical Center regardless of income. We believe that healthy futures begin in the first hours, days, and weeks of life. of the effects of reflexivity on learning and final team performance. We provide a PATHWAY OF HOPE for the future for each family we serve. Democracy under uncertainty: The wisdom of crowds and the freerider problem in. We recognize that every family has different needs surrounding a new birth. We know that the birth of a child is a significant event in every family. The Parent Child Center of Tulsa’s vision is that all parents have the knowledge and skills to protect, nurture and provide for their own child.